why the death penalty is wrong
The death penalty is wrong because it serves no moral or practical purpose. 1) The death penalty is not an effective deterrent. Jeffrey Fagan, Columbia Law School professor, offers this testimony:...
View Articlea shameful milestone
The execution by lethal injection of Kenneth Lee Boyd in North Carolina marked the 1000th execution in the United States since the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976. A report by...
View Articlea sick and perverted spectacle
A sick and perverted spectacle … Those are the words Stanley Tookie Williams used to characterize his impending execution. Williams was executed early this morning, after appeals for a stay of...
View Articlewise words from amnesty international on the saddam verdict
From Malcolm Smart of Amnesty International: Every accused has a right to a fair trial, whatever the magnitude of the charge against them. This plain fact was routinely ignored through the decades of...
View Articlerenewed debate about lethal injection
From an article by Oren Dorell and Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY: The questions over lethal injection that have led executions to be halted in Florida and California are likely to curb the use of the death...
View Articlea prayer for good friday
Lord Jesus, forgive us for all the ways we deny you … … by remaining quiet in the shadows, not daring to speak our faith in the public arena … by quietly going about our own business, while neglecting...
View Articlejustice stevens disavows the death penalty
In an opinion released on Wednesday, United States Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wrote: I have relied on my own experience in reaching the conclusion that the imposition of the death penalty...
View Articleone more state gives up the death penalty
Yesterday, Connecticut became the seventeenth state to vote to outlaw the death penalty. May the thirty-three remaining states with death penalty provisions still enacted in state law be soon to...
View Articleamen!
By a 82-56 margin, the Maryland House of Delegates voted Friday to ban the death penalty in that state. The bill now goes to the desk of Gov. Martin O’Malley, who has pledged to sign it. “To govern is...
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